How to remove an orphaned greengrassv2 Component?


I have a pretty standard Greengrass component that was installed successfully, failed silently, and now can't be uninstalled -- which in turn causes new Deployments to fail.

aws greengrassv2 \
  list-installed-components \


      "componentName": "aws.greengrass.SecureTunneling",
      "componentVersion": "1.0.16",
      "lifecycleState": "NEW",
      "lifecycleStateDetails": "An error occurred while running the component. The run script exited with code 1.",
      "isRoot": true,
      "lastStatusChangeTimestamp": 1695069370.467,
      "lastReportedTimestamp": 1695069370.467,
      "lastInstallationSource": "<redacted>",
      "lifecycleStatusCodes": []

but the Deployment at ID <redacted> no longer exists. It seems that the Component has been orphaned.

What is the correct way to clear orphaned components such as this?

질문됨 일 년 전331회 조회
1개 답변


Deleting or canceling a deployment does not remove that deployment from any devices. To remove the component you need to make a new deployment which does not contain the component. You must make this deployment to the same target as the deployment which put the component there to begin with. If you deployed secure tunneling to a thing group, then deploy to the same thing group without the secure tunneling component. If you deployed to the individual thing, then again make a deployment to the thing that does not contain the component.



답변함 일 년 전
  • @MichaelDombrowski-AWS I have already tried something like what you suggest, namely, creating a new Deployment for the same target but with a different version of SecureTunneling. That did not correct the problem.

  • If your deployment is failing because the secure tunneling component is failing, then the deployment is going to rollback by default. Is your deployment failing?

  • If you want to remove the component then you need to remove it from the deployment, not deploy a different version right?

    Or maybe I don't understand your goal. You want to remove this component from the device, correct?

    When you say "orphaned" what do you mean? What are you looking to achieve?

  • OK, so I understand that you have a problem with the secure tunneling component. So I assume that you'd want to downgrade it to an older version then which is compatible with your OS. What happens when you try that deployment with the version you want? Is the deployment successful? If not, what is the error?

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