Move objects from Glacier to S3 Standard class


Hi guys,

I have a question about moving objects from S3 Glacier to S3 Standard class. I read the S3 Lifecycle Policy and I see that it's a one way transition from S3 Standard to Glacier. I do not know that if it possible to move the objects from Glacier to Standard? Moreover, if it is impossible, do you have another solution to move the objects from Glacier to Standard class

Thanks, Steven

질문됨 일 년 전1.9천회 조회
1개 답변
수락된 답변

As described in this document, reverting to Standard from another storage class is not possible with the Lifecycle Rules setting.

Any storage class to the S3 Standard storage class.

A good way to deal with this is to take it out of Glacier and save it again in S3.

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  • Thanks for your information.

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