how to publish mqtt messages to greengrass core devices from cloud via SDK for JavaScript?


Hi, I have a Greengrass core device publishing mqtt messages to AWS IoT Core and I want to send a confirmation to the same device but i couldn't find a way to do that. My idea was via Lambda process a message and send automatically a response to the device. Unfortunately I found many solutions to publish messages to IoT Core but not to the opossite, i mean, from IoT Core to the devices.

Thanks for any help, greetings!

질문됨 2년 전422회 조회
1개 답변
수락된 답변

Your Greengrass component needs to subscribe to messages from AWS IoT Core on a device specific topic, e.g fromcloud/device001, as described here.

If you just want to echo a message back to the device, you can use the AWS IoT Republishing action in the AWS IoT Rule Engine that triggers when a message arrives in AWS IoT on a topic e.g tocloud/device001 and republish it to a topic e.g fromcloud/device001 . You can use the AWS IoT Rule engine SQL function topic(2) to extract the device id from the topic name to construct the return topic.

If you trigger a Lambda function from the AWS IoT Rule Engine, you can use the iotdata.publish() REST method from one of our AWS SDKs to publish a message to the device specific topic fromcloud/device001

Hope that helps

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답변함 2년 전

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