Unable to delete KMS CMK nor to open a support case


Hi there,

We lost administrative access to a KMS CMK. This is the result of a role being recreated I guess. The root user is not able to update the key policy either. In this situation, I know the only way to recover is to open a support case. But I can't, the customer is only on the basic plan.

My questions:

  • Is there no other way around than subscribe a paid support plan to open a technical case?
  • I remember it used to be possible to open a tech support case with the basic support plan. Is my memory correct? If yes, when has it changed?

Best regards, Matthieu

4개 답변
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Hi Matthieu, to answer your questions directly :

  • No, it's not possible to open a technical case while being on the basic plan. So, for your problem, you'd need to subscribe to a higher plan, for a month at least, to get help
  • tbh, I don't remember whether it was possible before so I can't give you a definitive answer.
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Is there no other way around than subscribe a paid support plan to open a technical case?

If you wish to make technical inquiries to AWS Support, you will need a paid support contract (for developers and above).
The free basic plan does not allow technical support inquiries.

Technical support cases connect you to technical support for help with service-related technical issues and, in some cases, third-party applications. If you have Basic Support, you can't create a technical support case.

I remember it used to be possible to open a tech support case with the basic support plan. Is my memory correct? If yes, when has it changed?

I'm not sure when this happened, but technical questions require a paid support contract.
I remember that at least as of 2019, it was a paid support contract.

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Thanks for the answers folks, I do get that I can open a non technical support request, and that's what I have done But those were not my questions. Any insights on those?

답변함 2달 전

Thanks for the answers. The underlying problem is being resolved via a non technical support case otherwise.

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