Hello, I'm stuck with this error and I can't find anything help full. I'm trying to migrate data between s3 to Redshift, Note: i crawled both and both tables are in my glue databases but when i'm running a job there is an error An error occurred while calling o131.pyWriteDynamicFrame. Exception thrown in awaitResult:

  • Sounds the job gives up waiting for Redshift to load the temporary csv files from s3, please check the full stack trace and check in Redshift what happened with the "COPY" command, did it finish or error? how long it took?

질문됨 2년 전1950회 조회
1개 답변

Adding to Gonzalo's comment. You need more information from the logs to identify the exact issue. This error is happening when the write happens - your statement probably uses this method- glueContext.write_dynamic_frame.from_options

How can I find the exact error message?

  1. Navigate to the AWS Glue Console and select the job that failed.
  2. Click on the "Runs" tab and click on error logs. This would take you into /aws-glue/jobs/error with a filter on job_id
  3. If you see multiple logs, click on the shortest log - that corresponds to the driver, while others are logs from each executor (based on number of executors)
  4. Toward the bottom of this driver log, you will find the descriptive error along with line numbers etc. I typically find it using glueexceptionanalysis.GlueExceptionAnalysisListener or `glue.ProcessLauncher'

Some possible reasons for this error include:

  • Invalid output configuration: The output configuration provided to the glueContext.write_dynamic_frame.from_options method might be invalid.
  • For example, the destination S3 bucket might not exist or the IAM role used for the job might not have the required permissions to write to the bucket.
  • Malformed data: The data being written to the destination might be malformed or incompatible with the expected data format.
  • For example, the table is defined as JSON with 10 fields, but you have field names that dont match
  • Network issues:
  • For example, if the Glue job is running in a VPC, there might be issues with the VPC configuration or routing that prevent the data from being written.
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답변함 2년 전

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