Textract Handwriting Recognition


Hello All, Right now, I am looking into current Optical Recognition Software solutions for a project I am working on. I would basically be automating a backlog of pdfs that would process each document and say whether it does or does not have handwriting in it. So far, Textract seems to be an option, however, it only tells me what the text is. To elaborate, if I simply plug a document in, it will just spit out all the text on the document. This is nice, but I want to be able to adjust the output into a simple Boolean, such that if the document has handwriting it would be put into one bin and if it does not it would be put into a another.

질문됨 2년 전991회 조회
1개 답변

The response does include information about the TextType: HANDWRITING | PRINTED, which you could use to identify which document has handwriting and which does not.


답변함 2년 전

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