

1、从哪里查看我的免费套餐的开始日期,到期前通知吗?过期了12个月是否会自动计费? 2、ec2的免费12个月实例主机,如果长时间执行高度占用 CPU 的任务,是否会增加费用,或者在CPU占用这块有没有什么限制。 谢谢!

  1. Where can I view the start date of my free package and will I be notified before it expires? Will it automatically start charging after 12 months of expiration?
  2. For the free 12-month instance host on EC2, will there be any additional charges if it performs high CPU-intensive tasks for a long time? Are there any restrictions on CPU usage? Thank you!
질문됨 일 년 전343회 조회
1개 답변
수락된 답변
  1. Where can I view the start date of my free package and will I be notified before it expires? Will it automatically start charging after 12 months of expiration?


For the free 12-month instance host on EC2, will there be any additional charges if it performs high CPU-intensive tasks for a long time? Are there any restrictions on CPU usage? Thank you!

对CPU的使用没有限制。 使用更大的实例类型将提高CPU性能。

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