Usage Forecast Filtering Expression


Hi! I'm trying to get usage forecast from CLI here but i can't find the right syntax for passing values inside the --filter expression. Can anyone please help me with that? Is there a place where i can find the valid values?

In the following example i tried passing parameters as they were passed on the URL of Cost Explorer UI:

aws ce get-usage-forecast --time-period Start=2022-10-10,End=2023-01-07 --granularity MONTHLY --metric USAGE_QUANTITY --filter {"Dimensions": {"Key":"UsageTypeGroup", "Values": ["EC2: Running Hours"]}}

Response: aws ce get-usage-forecast --time-period Start=2022-10-10,End=2023-01-07 --granularity MONTHLY --metric USAGE_QUANTITY --filter {"Dimensions": {"Key":"UsageTypeGroup", "Values": ["EC2: Running Hours"]}}

질문됨 2년 전188회 조회
2개 답변

It looks like your dimension key value is wrong. When I use USAGE_TYPE_GROUP I get a valid response:

$ aws ce get-usage-forecast --time-period Start=2023-02-01,End=2023-07-01 --granularity MONTHLY --metric USAGE_QUANTITY --filter '{"Dimensions": {"Key":"USAGE_TYPE_GROUP", "Values": ["EC2: Running Hours"]}}' | jq .

  "Total": {
답변함 일 년 전

You can find valid values in the AWS Command Line Reference. For get-usage-forecast in particular, you can find valid values here:

답변함 2달 전

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