How to enable FIPS endpoint for govcloud AWS gateway (for lambda)?


I have a invoke URL as follows: I want to implement a FIPS endpoint (so that we are TLS 1.2 compliant). I'm missing the fundamental step here. Is the FIPS endpoint automatically? This doesn't work: I'm not too familiar with the CLI, so if there is something non-UI can you help provide syntax? thanks!

질문됨 3년 전2072회 조회
2개 답변

According to the GovCloud API Gateway documentation, "All API Gateway APIs created in GovCloud regions are FIPS-compliant by default."

profile pictureAWS
답변함 3년 전
  • Good find, but confusing. Do you know why documentation here is listing a FIPS specific endpoint for AWS Gateway service?

  • That is the control plane endpoint. You are concerned with the data plane endpoint (execute-api)


At this time, FIPS is enabled for Amazon API Gateway running in AWS GovCloud only. It it not enabled for API Gateway running in commercial regions such as us-west-1 (Northern California).

However, you do not need FIPS to be enabled to support TLS 1.2. You can create a custom domain for your API endpoint and associate a security policy with it that enforces TLS 1.2. For instructions, see the API Gateway documentation.

답변함 3년 전
  • this is for govcloud, I've updated question to reflect that. Didn't realize that would effect answer. thanks!

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