Constant connections drop out on Amazon EC2


Let me first preface this that I also use cloud VPS with many other services such as Linode, Digital-Ocean, have use google's services as well, etc, and this is the first time that I experience massive connection issues with the instances after being created. With other services, everything just runs as smooth as butter and I am trying to understand what is going on.

Basically, what is going on is that I create a micro Ubuntu instance, and then I SSH into it just fine. Install a few apps such as Docker, everything very light weight, can't really do much with them yet anyway with the many connections issues.

Then what happens, is that all of a sudden, out of the blue, the SSH connection will get dropped and I won't really be able to get back in for a while. I will basically have to wait then completely shut down the instance, and then reboot it.

Recently, I even got a 1 out of 2 checks passed on my EC2 Dashboard, and the one that failed was actually connectivity.

I have no clue what is going on. At first, I thought it was due to the IP changing, and I realized I may have to connect using a new IP, and the I set an elastic IP for the instance, but the same issue still happened again.

Can someone help me with this? Thank you.

질문됨 2년 전252회 조회
1개 답변

Any news? This keeps happening.

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