How to view email headers in WorkMail


I am trying to resolve email delivery issue and wanted to look at email headers. According to AWS documentation it can be viewed from mail client by clicking on gear mailbox icon on the top of message but I can't find that icon anywhere. I tried using AWS email app using Chrome and Firefox.

Link to documentation:

질문됨 3년 전479회 조회
1개 답변
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The documentation might not be 100% clear but you need to open the email and not view it in the preview window. Once opened the gear icon will appear in the top right corner of the email.

Kind regards, Robin

답변함 3년 전
  • Hi,

    I just tried to open email in no preview mode but I still can't see the icon with sent time. I see only two gear icon one on the top right corner is for global email settings and another one is next to search box for search settings. Documentation says there should be icon next to sent time on email. I still can't see it anywhere.

    Are you able to view email headers from the gear icon ? I am still confused why it is not showing for me.

    Thanks, Simarpreet

    Edit: It just worked. I had to double click on the email after opening in no preview mode. Now I can see gear and mailbox icon on the right top.

    Thanks very much!!

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