Using IoT Rules with IoT Jobs topics.


Is there any way to access the data sent on the $aws/things/thingName/jobs/jobId/update topic through an IoT rule.? I know these messages don't go through the broker but I would like to be able to see the information provided in the statusDetails section of the JobExecutionState. If this isn't possible, what is the intended way to access the JobExecutionState provided on that topic? Thanks.

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One of the possible solution is to make use of "DescribeJobExecution"[1] API call to get JobExecutionState. However as per your use case you want to access the data sent on $aws/things/thingName/jobs/jobId/update through an IoT rule for that first I would like to mention that unfortunately, there is no way to monitor job progress via job reserved topics from other than the device executing job. Having said that, I would recommend as a workaround you publish job status to an additional non-reserved topic by modifying job agent as a result your device will publish to reserved and non-reserved topic simultaneously and create a rule which will be triggered by this non-reserved topic.


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