Need Urgent help: Name correction in AWS Training and certification account


I have my AWS AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam scheduled on 20th Jan 2023 at 10:45 AM. This is an online proctored exam managed by Pearson VUE. Candidate ID: ‎AWS02555003 Registration ID: xxxxxx

On my Passport my surname is blank and my full name is written as below, Surname: Given Name(s): Mohammed Abdul Rahan

On the AWS Training & Certification account, Since the both fields are mandatory in the form it is added as below, First name (Given name): Mohammad Last name (Surname): Rahan

I have already raised the Customer Support request to update my name but I have not received any response yet. Is there any method to get it resolved urgently?8 days left from the examination time. Please let me know if my request will be resolved by then or I will need to reschedule my exam?


질문됨 9달 전350회 조회
2개 답변


I have also changed my name for AWS exams in the past.
I think you have already contacted AWS from the URL below, but in my case it took about 2 days to make the change due to email exchanges with AWS.
Also, considering that it is a new year, it may be a good idea to change the exam schedule since it may take a little longer to change your name.

profile picture
답변함 9달 전
profile picture
검토됨 6달 전

yeah I'm trying since 10 days - multiple request raised but no response yet.

답변함 8달 전

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