How should I use CloudFormat and Lambda Function to create tables and indexes for DocumentDB and achieve S3 bucket to bucket replication


Questions such as titles,Can you tell me the process or give me some templates,thanks! how to real-time monitoring of A bucket, copying files to B bucket while adding them to A bucket ,and when I build a new environment I want copy A bucket's object to B bucket. and how to create tables and indexes for DocumentDB by CloudFormat and Lambda Function.I can hardly find any information for this two questions.

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질문됨 일 년 전254회 조회
1개 답변

Hiya , do the following:

Create a CloudFormat template that defines the resources you need, such as the DocumentDB cluster, the S3 buckets, and the Lambda function. Upload the CloudFormat template to Amazon S3. Create a new Lambda function that uses the change streams API to read changes from the DocumentDB cluster and write them to the S3 bucket. Configure the Lambda function to be triggered by Amazon EventBridge. Deploy the CloudFormat template. Once the CloudFormat template is deployed, the Lambda function will start reading changes from the DocumentDB cluster and writing them to the S3 bucket. The S3 bucket to bucket replication will be achieved automatically.

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답변함 일 년 전
  • thanks for you answer,I want know how to real-time monitoring of A bucket, copying files to B bucket while adding them to A bucket ,and when I build a new environment I want copy A bucket's object to B bucket. and how to create tables and indexes for DocumentDB by CloudFormat and Lambda Function.I can hardly find any information for this two questions.

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