Client vpn endpoint doesn't reach my subnet private



I'm facing a peculiar situation. I have an existing client VPN endpoint set up with AD directory login, and it's working well—I can access my private subnet without any issues. However, I've set up another VPN endpoint, this time with federated SAML login, and for some reason, I can't access my private subnet through this one. Internet access (such as Google) is reachable.

Do you have any idea why this might be happening?

I understand this might not be straightforward, but please ask for any information you need, and I'll provide it.

Thanks for your help.

1개 답변

HI, How are you routing to the internet ? Is split tunnelling activated as this may explain why you can reach the internet.

I assume your client VPN user has been authenticated and able to establish ssl connection to the AWS client VPN endpoint, hence follow the steps below to troubleshoot connectivity issue :

profile pictureAWS
답변함 9달 전

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