Amazon Linux 2 - Postfix package deletion consequences



We have postfix package installed by default on our Amazon Linux 2 system that being launched from Amazon Linux 2 Images.

For some reasons, we need to delete it from the system, is there any consequences for that?

Please note that, we hasn't configured this package to be as mail agent before.


질문됨 2년 전250회 조회
1개 답변

For Amazon Linux 2, the Postfix mail server is installed by default. Postfix is a mail transfer agent (MTA) used for sending and receiving email. If you remove Postfix, you won't have the ability to send or receive emails using the server. This may impact any applications or services relying on the server's email capabilities. If you don't need the email functionality provided by Postfix and want to remove it, you can use command below to uninstall it.

sudo yum remove remove postfix

Before proceeding, consider the impact on your system and any services relying on email functionality. It's also recommended to have backups and test the impact in a non-production environment before making changes in a production environment.

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