Free-tier Account Hacked and Email Changed


It seems its my turn this morning for their long-term dormant free-tier account getting hacked. I received two emails that my root emailid was changed and so was the password. Then I get an email that my budget threshold of $19 has been crossed. All the support documentation on the "Password/Account Recovery" wants me to either be the root emailid (which I am not) or follow a series of steps that requires account access. I have done the following -

  1. Sent an email to
  2. Created a new free-tier account and created a case ticket and awaiting a callback.

Is there anything more I can do?

  • Hi, today morning even my root mail got changed. Any update on your case?

질문됨 일 년 전288회 조회
1개 답변


Sorry to hear this happened to you. Please fill out this form so that a support engineer can assist:

Make sure to select "Unable to sign-in" and also check the box for "Is this request related to an unauthorized email change?".

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