Can we use CloudFront with S3 buckets stored in private VPCs?


My client has stored their files in an S3 bucket within a private VPC. Some architects have expressed concerns about using Amazon CloudFront to improve access speed due to the private VPC setup. However, I believe it's feasible with the right configuration.

Can someone confirm if CloudFront can indeed be used to accelerate access to files stored in an S3 bucket within a private VPC? Are there specific configurations or considerations I should be aware of to ensure secure and efficient content delivery via CloudFront in this setup?

Any insights or experiences shared would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

2개 답변

Hi, just to clarify - a bucket isn't in a VPC. You may have VPC endpoints in VPCs for accessing the S3 service, and S3 buckets may be private or public.

You can use Origin Access Control (OAC) to use a private S3 bucket as a CloudFront origin. The only public access to data in the bucket will be via CloudFront.

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검토됨 3달 전


Yes, you are correct. CloudFront can be used to accelerate access to files stored in a private S3 bucket within a VPC. Here's the gist:

  • Feasible: CloudFront works with private S3 buckets.
  • Security: Requires additional configuration like Origin Access Identity (OAI) to restrict access and VPC endpoints for private traffic flow.
  • Efficiency: Improves access speed by caching content at edge locations closer to users.

There are specific configurations to consider for secure and efficient delivery:

  • OAI: Grants CloudFront read access to the private S3 bucket.
  • VPC Endpoints: Routes traffic between CloudFront and S3 privately within the VPC, bypassing the internet.
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답변함 3달 전

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