AWS Cognito for iOS (AWS Amplify related)


I'm using AWS Cognito in my backend (NestJS) and want to integrate it with my iOS app. In that case, is there any library that I should use? Because most examples I see are with Amplify, I'm only going to use Cognito, for auth, and EC2 to store the backend. So, trying to summarize my question: Should I use the Amplify lib when I'm only using Cognito? And if I use Amplify and Amplify Cognito plugins to handle authentication, should I also consider Amplify pricing too?

2개 답변

Yes, it makes sense to use Amplify for Swift, even if you use only the Authentication (Cognito) plugin. Amplify Swift libraries provide high level abstraction that keep you free from low level AWS API details.

If you want full control and code it yourself, the alternative is to use the AWS SDK for Swift (in preview)

To answer your last question about pricing: Amplify libraries and command lines are free to use. You only pay for the AWS resource it creates for you (like a cognito user pool)

답변함 일 년 전

You can use the following: amazon-cognito-identity-js. As noted here, the package will be hosted as part of the Amplify repo.

답변함 2년 전
  • So on my backend service, I only receive the JWT that Cognito should return. All the authentication flow should be on the device, so I would use a Swift package to deal with sign-in, in that case, should I should AWS Amplify ( Or, is there any other library that uses only Cognito?

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