I use t3.micro instance and in its details "it is free tier :true /free trial available :false"


I am a beginner in clouding and deploying web-based apps . and i decided to choose free server to test my app and API . I chose " T3.micro " with free tier and in its details in running instance it filled like this /free tier :true /free trial available :false/ . Till now no problem and server ran well with no errors but while i am browsing instances types i found " T3.micro " is classified LIKE THIS " On-Demand Linux Prices : 0.0108 USD per Hour ", So how i understand this , is it freetier or not free or what , please clarify this point to me

2개 답변


I think "it is free tier :true" refers to the free tier for 12 months after creating an AWS account.
In regions where only "t3.micro" can be used, "t3.micro" can be used free of charge for 750 hours per month for 12 months.

I think "free trial available :false" is a trial with a limited time, such as 2 months free.

I think "t4g.small" is included in this trial.

Free Trial: Try Amazon EC2 t4g.small instances powered by AWS Graviton2 processors free for up to 750 hours / month until Dec 31st 2024. Refer to the FAQ for additional details.

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답변함 2달 전
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검토됨 한 달 전
  • In regions where t2.micro is not available, t3.micro is included in the free tier. a


Hello Sayed Ismail,

Thanks for detail Info. As per the AWS Documentation EC2 t3.micro is not a free tier instance. You will be charged $0.0104 per hour. You can see more In detail in the following document.


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답변함 2달 전
  • No, t3.micro is included in the free tier in regions where t2.micro is not available. a

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