AWS Marketplace SaaS Product Integration Testing - SNS subscriptions


I am an engineer designing a product integration with AWS Marketplace so that we can be sellers. I'm finding some of the documentation around what would pass testing in order for the product to be published a bit vague. It seems testing can take a while, so I'd like to minimize the back and forth during that phase by getting clarity now.

AWS docs only ever mention SQS as a potential subscription to the SNS topics created around AWS Marketplace entitlements and subscriptions. Is this required for the product to be published? Why not allow any of the other kinds of subscriptions available to SNS topics? I'm specifically interested in Lambda. here is one example of the language used making it seem like SQS is the only allowed (and therefore required) SNS topic subscription.

Thanks in advance

1개 답변
수락된 답변

During the product creation process, you'll receive the actual Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to the SNS topic. For example: arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789012:aws-mp-subscription-notification-PRODUCTCODE [+] and this SNS topic is created by AWS for marketplace notifications automatically. Please note that, the SNS topic is created and managed by AWS marketplace and doesn’t belong to your AWS account. The reason why AWS docs mentions SQS as a potential subscription to the SNS topics created around AWS Marketplace entitlements and subscriptions is because you can subscribe SQS to the SNS topic that was created in the AWS marketplace account because SQS supports cross account subscriptions from SQS console while a Lambda subscription needs to be created from SNS console to which you will not have access as the SNS topic resides in an AWS managed account. Furthermore, as a workaround you can use Lambda to poll SQS for your use case and the message flow will be as follow: SNS -> SQS -> Lambda


지원 엔지니어
답변함 2년 전
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검토됨 7달 전
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검토됨 8달 전
  • I see now. Thank you for your answer.

  • Hello, Thanks for that answer. I have created an AMI which is currently on private visibility, and I did not receive any ARN for the SNS Topic. The documentation mentions the same thing: "During the product creation process, you'll receive the actual Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to the SNS topic. For example: arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789012:aws-mp-subscription-notification-PRODUCTCODE" So when exactly do I get this ARN SNS Topic, and how? I tried replacing this ARN with my account ID and product code but it doesnt work :( Thanks a lot for your help!

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