Regarding Amazon chime SDK, how to configure..


Hi Folks, I have trying to configure amazon chime SDK but not able to understand how I can start this. Also I want to use my mobile app/web application by using amazon chime SDK for voice calling that is VOIP call.

Please help me on the same as how I can proceed this ?

Regards Mahendra Kumar

1개 답변

Hi, Mahendra.

I don't know if there's something specific that you're stuck on. But, let me answer you by providing some general "getting started" resources.

Most builders with the Amazon Chime SDK will use the JavaScript client library for a web-based front-end. So, the GitHub repo for that library has become a good starting point with lots of help and references to other resources. The README at this site should prove helpful:

There are client libraries for other platforms, too, if you want to build a native mobile app. You can find links to all of these in the documentation. I'll just link to the top of the Developer Guide:

And, since you mentioned making a VoIP call, there is a demo that you might find interesting. It's a click-to-call implementation that uses the SDK to make a phone call from a web page. You should be able to adapt this for your use case:

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