Is the request URL(/request path) logged by AWS amplify (Next.js) in Cloudwatch?


I have a next.js application deployed to AWS amplify and cloudwatch is enabled for this deployment. I see the logs in cloudwatch, however it only logs the billed duration in these logs but not the request URL that triggered the lambda function execution.

I would like to analyse and see which URLs are taking the most amount of time, but I am unable to do so since it looks like AWS simply does not log this information. Has anyone tried this before?

1개 답변

By default, AWS Amplify does not log the request URL (/request path) for Next.js applications in CloudWatch. To capture and analyze URLs with their performance metrics, you would need to implement custom logging within your Next.js app to explicitly send this data to CloudWatch Logs.

For setting up and customizing Amazon CloudWatch Logs for your server-side rendered (SSR) apps with AWS Amplify, refer to

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