Using KVS WebRTC as a Producer for KVS


Is it possible to setup KVS WebRTC as a producer for Kinesis Video Stream? I am looking to create a browser based cloud audio recorder / dictation tool. There will be no need to connect with a peer, but I do need to to stream audio from the browser into Kinesis Video Stream. It appears that the only producers for Kinesis Video Stream are all app-based rather than browser based. An alternative approach might be to avoid WebRTC and find another way of streaming from the browser to Kinesis Video Streams, maybe a server based producer that relays from the browser?

질문됨 2년 전626회 조회
1개 답변

To clarify, you do not need to establish any p2p connections, just capture the audio stream from the microphone to then transcribe the audio? If so, just use the Transcribe Streaming service directly from within the browser:

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