I can not have access to my server anymore


Suddenly my server stopped to work today, the 14th April. The URL is: ec2-18-221-129-197.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com

I have a survey occurring right now in the field using SURVEY SOLUTIONS, with a team of 20 enumerators and I have been working with the server normally, even today I made some downloads of the data.

However, this night when I tried to access to the survey solutions headquarter/server in order to do some assignments for the team that are in the field for the tomorrow’s data collection, I did not managed to access and received a message saying that I must contact my system administrator to resolve the issue. The message says exactly the following: “The application has encountered an unknown error:(Please contact the system administrator to resolve this issue”

I don’t know who is the system administrator. Is he from Survey Solutions team or from the the Amazon where my server is allocated?

How can I solve this? Who may assist me?

질문됨 2년 전390회 조회
2개 답변

Sounds to me like your application running on the server has hit an error, so you'll need to contact the application's vendor.

The AWS shared responsibility model for EC2 means that AWS are responsible for the hardware and network security etc. but the customer is responsible for OS configuration and the applications running on it. So AWS can't help you with this one, sorry.

답변함 2년 전
  • I have contacted the application's vendor (Survey solutions) and he is not sure that the error can be fixed by them. They suggested to check if the server is not out of storage space? Could you please help on check this? I couldn't find how should I search for the space available in the server. However, I managed to successful access to the server but only for a couple of minutes and I could check that one of the errors is related to the failing to connect with the SQL and error connection to database. Is this related to you or the application's vendor?


You may want to try AWS IQ to get some consulting help.

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답변함 2년 전

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