Always Free Tier Instance Disappeared


It looks like my one and only free tier instance has vaporised along with the elastic IP (which I have always ensured is attached to an instance to avoid charges). It appears to have happened at the start of the month.

The only reason I can think of that might have caused this is that my credit card was cancelled and replaced with a different number last month. I had not updated that info by the end of September.

1개 답변


If your payment fails, your AWS account may be suspended, but there should be a grace period before it is suspended, so your EC2 account will not disappear until then.
Have you tried switching EC2 to the region you created it in?

Also, check the CloudTrail event history and check things like "TerminateInstances".
If you find an event, please check to see if it has been deleted by mistake.

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답변함 8달 전
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검토됨 8달 전

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