about organization


I have created a user in organization. now i want to delete the user. but while doing so im getting the error Account #xxxxxxxxxxx could not be removed.Learn more about prerequisites for removing accounts from organization. (#xxxxxxxxx): ConstraintViolationExceptionThe member account must be configured with a valid payment method, such as a credit card.Sign in into that account to address this.

i gave closed the user account . and it will get removed after 90 days, will i be billed for the same

질문됨 한 달 전35회 조회
1개 답변


If you can successfully close a member AWS account from the AWS Organizations console using the steps in the document below, it will be completely closed after 90 days, as you know.

and it will get removed after 90 days, will i be billed for the same

If you have purchased Reserved Instances, charges for those Reserved Instances will still be billed even if you close your AWS account.

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