Workspace fails to create with BYOL Image


Good evening,

We have had BYOL enabled for our account and I have followed the AWS guide to create an Image in VMware workstation which has been uploaded to S3, imported into EC2 then an Image has been successfully created within the Workspaces console.

The BYOL checker was run on the image and all tests passed.

However, when I try to launch a Workspace using this image I get an error saying :- "There was an unexpected error creating your WorkSpace. Try again later."

I know this isn't a general Workspaces issue as the standard workspace images launch fine.

Does anybody know how I can troubleshoot this further to try and find the root cause ?

Many Thanks,


질문됨 5달 전204회 조회
1개 답변

Try booting an EC2 image from your BYOL AMI. Then run the sysprep in Ec2LaunchSetting as explained here -> If the sysprep fails, you will see why from the logs -> If your EC2 shuts down it means your sysprep worked and it should now be ok to create a new AMI out of it and import it in WorkSpaces.

답변함 4달 전

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