AWS StepFunction HTTP Invoke. Transfer-Encoding: chunked vs Content-Length


I see that the HTTP Invoke Task from StepFunctions uses "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" and streams data to the 3rd party. Why is that so? Afaik it's way better to use the more adopted way of setting the Content-Length as we already know the size of the content in advance anyway. Could you please support that, or do you have it in your roadmap to implement?

질문됨 3달 전197회 조회
1개 답변
  • Transfer-Encoding: chunked is used when the size of the content is not known in advance or is dynamically generated. This allows the sender to start transmitting dynamically generated content before knowing the total size, which can be beneficial for large files or streams.
  • On the other hand, Content-Length is used when the size of the content is known in advance. It allows the receiver to know the exact size of the content that will be received, which can be useful for progress tracking and resource allocation.

I do not have hold of any roadmap

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답변함 3달 전
  • Thanks for the reply, but I didn't ask what those headers are. I'm well aware of it. My question is why they use "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" as they know the payload in advance. It is the input of the task and smaller than 256kb. Whenever we know the size in advance it makes way more sense to use the Content-Length approach. I hope the request gets somehow forwarded to the StepFunction team.

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