AWS EC2 Free Tier


My AWS Free tier is showing bellow details:

1.0 Hrs for free for 12 months as part of AWS Free Usage Tier (APS3-ElasticIP:IdleAddress)

Although I am not running any EC2 instance, I am getting billed every month.

I had recently created the free tier account in Jun-2023, but I am not receiving the free benefits.

Can someone help me, with how to avoid the charges?

질문됨 일 년 전659회 조회
1개 답변
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Elastic IP is not in-scope of free tier.

if the elastic IP is associated with a running instance there is no charge. if the elastic IP is associated with an instance that is stopped, or the elastic IP is not associated to any instance then it becomes chargeable

The best thing to do to avoid charges is to release the elastic IP. You can always allocate yourself a new one the next time you need it.

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  • But I am not using any Elastic IP Address.

  • Go to AWS billing manager, select last month's bill, and scroll down to charges by service at the foot of the right hand pane

    Expand Elastic Compute Cloud and expand the region that the charges are appearing in. Keep drilling down until you find the entry that matches the entry on your invoice that AWS are taking payment for.

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