How to change region in Vistual Studio Code AWS Toolkit terminal access


I am able to connect to US East North Virginia but need to access Canada Central. How to change region? Can not do it by Login, IAM Identity Center credentials as I do not have access to IAM Identity Center which has the "Start URL" so have to use IAM Roles Credentials and that gives no option to go to a specific region.

질문됨 4달 전191회 조회
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If IAM Identity Center is not available, another method is to issue an access key from an IAM user.

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답변함 4달 전
  • i give up. i just wanted a small server connected with VSC but its impossible. aws sucks


Complete the following procedure to add a Region from the AWS Explorer.

From VS Code, open the Command Palette by expanding View on the main menu and choosing Command Palette. Or use the following shortcut keys:

    Windows and Linux – Press Ctrl+Shift+P.

    macOS – Press Shift+Command+P.

From the Command Palette, search for AWS and choose AWS: Show Region in the Explorer to display a list of available Regions.

From the list, choose the Region that you want to add to the AWS Explorer.

The Region your chose now displays in the AWS Explorer.

You also have to ensure there is no SCP preventing you to display the required region.
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