Validating Admission Policy support for EKS


Hi, Validating Admission Policy has been in GA state since v1.30. Is there any reason why it is not available in AWS EKS? In my opinion it is good and native alternative for OPA/Gatekeeper, Kuverno, etc.

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Hello msmax,

EKS doesn't currently offer Validating Admission Policy directly (as of June 13, 2024). This is likely due to EKS prioritizing stability and using slightly older Kubernetes versions.

While not built-in, you have options:

  • Upgrade your EKS cluster's Kubernetes version (if supported) to potentially access it.
  • Deploy a custom Validating Admission Controller for more control.
  • Stay updated through AWS release notes and community forums for future feature announcements and support for VAP in EKS.

Validating Admission Policy Documentation:

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