How do I take down an OLD website?


I have a problem that I am having a hard time getting an answer to. I just found out that I have TWO websites - one OLD and one new. The old site is from 2017 and I just found out that it is still active. The original website was built in WP, it was then rebuilt in Square Space and then rebuilt in Duda. Because both sites are live it is causing me problems. After hours of investigating, I have just been informed that the OLD website is hosted by Amazon but I cannot contact anyone at Amazon to bring the site down - the OLD site is - this is the site that need to be taken down. My new site is

How and who do I contact to take down the OLD site - - please help - it is really cause me a problem and I cannot move forward. Cindy

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2개 답변

Can I log into my AWS account?
If you no longer need an AWS account, please follow the instructions below to cancel your account.

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답변함 일 년 전
  • If I cancel the account will the website come down? How do I confirm that Amazon is HOSTING the account? I have gotten so many answers I need to be sure that Amazon is the HOST of this OLD website. Is there a way for me to confirm that Amazon is the host? How can I see if the is live on Amazon?

  • If you terminate your AWS account, all of the resources running in your account will no longer be available, so if your website is hosted, it will be shut down. You must log in to your AWS account to check if it is hosted. Is the newer site not hosted on AWS? If the newer site is hosted on AWS, the newer site will also be unavailable when you cancel.

  • Actually according to this:, “ Closing your account doesn't automatically terminate all your active resources.”. So you must get access to the account and terminate the resources.


Both the "old" and "new" websites are being hosted by Amazon - you end up on the same Amazon network load balancer in Northern Virginia in both cases.

The www address (after jumping through a few CNAMEs):

$ host is an alias for is an alias for is an alias for has address has address

The plain address, without the www, is an A-record for one of the IPs on that NLB:

$ host has address

Using curl it appears that everything, whether plain HTTP or HTTPS, with or without the www, ends up at with the redirect being handled by nginx running on something on the other side of the NLB.

Either your organisation pays a bill to AWS every month for this infrastructure and you administer it yourselves in-house, or you pay a third-party (does sound familiar?) to do it for you.

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