Can't SSH to EC2


I am struggling to SSH to my instance and repeatedly asks me for a password.EVEN THOUGH I NEVER MADE ONE :c I'm doing an assignment for class and my teacher specifically said to choose "Proceed without key pair" since we opened all ports and used I opened my SSH connections with as well. I can't connect no matter what I use. I've tried Instance Connect, Putty, and Terminal but they all uniformly ask me for a password... I've read while researching for solutions that a key pair is needed for a SSH connection. I can't create a new instance since, my teacher asked us to attach specific files and the current instance was migrated from Bitnami. Please help me I have been big struggling for hours and I am about to mental breakdown. TY. Enter image description here Enter image description here

질문됨 일 년 전292회 조회
1개 답변

If you don't have a key pair associated to your instance, the connection using SSH is not possible (Amazon EC2 key pairs and Linux instances).

One alternative is to use the AWS Systems Manager Session Manager service. For that the AWS SSM agent must be installed in your instance (many of the common AWS instances have it already installed by default). For more info check the AWS Session Manager prerequisites.

Another alternative is to add a new key pair to your existing instance. For this, check the following guide: I've lost my private key. How can I connect to my Linux instance?.

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