Is there a way to avoid throttling exceptions in tag editor?


I am using tag editor to tag a bunch of domains so that I can use a script to transfer them to another account. I have selected 113 domains to tag and am trying to add a single tag to each. When I ran it only 28 succeeded before the process failed with a rate limit exception.

I thought the whole point of tag editor was to make bulk changes so failing after so few actions seems broken. Is there a way to avoid the rate limit errors in this tool without having to keep retrying the action manually?

질문됨 일 년 전275회 조회
1개 답변

According to the docs, there is a limit of 5 calls per second for TagResources.

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답변함 일 년 전
  • Yeah I know about the limits, I was just hoping tag editor handled this situation better. Like maybe by staying under the rate limit or automatically using a retry mechanism or something like that. Just seems weird to offer a bulk edit tool like this just to have it fail constantly on rate limits.

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