Domain being redirected to IP


I brought a domain to Route53 and created the records as instructed in the manual. I created the load balance for ec2. I created the certificate. The problem is that when I type the domain in the browser, it is redirected to the ec2 IP.

What could be the problem?

질문됨 2달 전60회 조회
1개 답변


Are you creating an alias record for your load balancer in your DNS record in Route53?
If you have created an A record for the EC2 IP address, please change that A record to the load balancer's alias record.

Also, if you are creating an alias record for the load balancer, there may be a problem with the settings on the web server side, so please check if there are any settings that cause redirection.

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  • Agree sounds like a webserver setting redirect configuration issue

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