When will WorkDocs Drive for Apple Silicon support Mac OS 14.4?


When will the WorkDocs Drive client be updated to support Mac OS v14.4?

질문됨 일 년 전336회 조회
1개 답변

I've been running WorkDocs under macOS Sonoma for a few months on my MacBook Pro M2.

I found that with Apple's latest 14.4 release, WorkDocs failed and stopped connecting / updating. Since WorkDocs is a staple in my daily work routine, I wiped my entire hard drive and reinstalled Sonoma 14.4 and then WorkDocs. Still didn't work. I wiped the HD again, rolled back to Sonoma 14.3.1, and then installed WorkDocs. Works again like a champ. So I can confirm that I am able to run WorkDocs on MacOS 14, albeit not 14.4.

답변함 일 년 전
  • Appreciate the due diligence! I will tweak my question for support for 14.4 - tho official documentation states WorkDocs support v13 and below.

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