Is there a code library for Getting Started tutorials?


Is there a code library for the Getting Started tutorials? Having a problem with "Getting Started: Build an iOS Application" and want to compare my Swift code with what it should be.

Thanks, Dan

1개 답변

Hi Dan,

Yes, you can follow this documentation to build iOS application using Amplify. Steps

  1. Create an iOS App: The first module of the tutorial guides you through creating an iOS app and testing it in the iPhone simulator.

  2. Initialize Amplify: The second module shows you how to initialize a local app using AWS Amplify. This involves running the following command in your project directory:

    npm create amplify@latest

    This will create the necessary Amplify configuration files in your project.

  3. Add Authentication: The third module covers adding authentication to your application using AWS Amplify.

  4. Add a GraphQL API and Database: The fourth module demonstrates how to create a GraphQL API and connect it to a database using AWS Amplify.

  5. Add the Ability to Store Images: The final module guides you through adding storage capabilities to your app, allowing you to store images.

The tutorial provides a step-by-step guide to building an iOS application using AWS Amplify. It covers the key features and services offered by Amplify, such as authentication, API, and storage.

This documentation has code snippets.

답변함 2달 전
  • Yes, I followed the steps in the tutorial, but I still messed up somehow. Thanks, but this did not answer my question, which asked if there is a code library for the tutorials.

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