Selenium - Send keys not working to '//input[contains(@type, 'file')]' with LocalFileDetector


I'm trying to sendKeys to a file handler in chrome and am getting:

org.openqa.selenium.UnsupportedCommandException: unknown command: unknown command: session/1b651f6fc5776ba353569d3b7e423552/se/file

I am using the LocalFileDetector:

        driver.fileDetector = LocalFileDetector()

This works locally as well as on other testing platforms. Is this not supported in Browser Testing(Device Farm)?

Command: [1b651f6fc5776ba353569d3b7e423552, uploadFile {file=UEsDBBQACAgIAFqqTlQAAAAAAAAA .......

질문됨 3년 전1591회 조회
1개 답변


I understand that you are getting an error when trying to SendKeys to file handler, using Selenium, in Device Farm Chrome Browser.

The se/file endpoint is not part of the W3C specification, so it will not work by default. It is likely that older versions of Selenium server handles this implementation detail on it's own, but we do not use Selenium server at all.

We recommend updating to W3C enabled client and see if it resolves the issue.

Here's a relevant stack post:

지원 엔지니어
답변함 3년 전

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