Cannot stop bedrock model evulation jobs


Status remains 'stopping' even when I have tried to stop them in 3 different ways without seeing any error messages. Models in evaluation jobs are: foundation-model/ai21.j2-mid-v1 and foundation-model/amazon.titan-text-lite-v1

  1. Clicked 'Stop Evaluation' in Bedrock (in Assessment & deployment, Model Evaluation)
  2. Used AWS SDK boto3 Python
    • latest version boto3 1.34.97
    • role includes: AmazonBedRockFullAccess
    • command: client = boto3.client('bedrock') response = client.stop_evaluation_job( jobIdentifier="arn:aws:bedrock:us-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" }
  3. Used AWS CLI v2 aws bedrock stop-evaluation-job --job-identifier arn:aws:bedrock:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

What else can I try to stop these bedrock model evaluation jobs?

질문됨 한 달 전180회 조회
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