Unexpected Lightsail server burst increase


I have a server which has been running for several years without issue, but today have been unable to ssh into the server. Review of current metrics shows that the cpu utilization increased all of a sudden from its norm of about 5% to 60% and quickly blew through the burst capacity before falling back to around 25%, still in the burstable zone. What would be a likely cause for this? I have created a new instance from a snapshot both at the same and larger provisioning without success.

질문됨 2달 전272회 조회
1개 답변

Ultimately, this sounds like a software/configuration issue. Consider posting more information about the software you're running so the community can provide more help.

For example, WordPress can have vulnerabilities depending on the plugins or version of the software installed on an instance. Keeping the software up-to-date and disabling plugins you don't use can help reduce the risk of malicious behavior. Separately, some plugins may consume more CPU after an update (though in your case it sounds like something's gone wrong if it was due to a simple update).

If you are unable to launch your instance without the software causing a CPU spike, consider creating a snapshot of the instance's root volume so you can launch a new disk, attach it to another instance, and retrieve the content.

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