Sharing our WorkMail calendar among desktop and mobile apps


I'm afraid I already suspect the CalDav answer (which kills WorkMail as a viable contender), but cannot find the specific admission anywhere:

If we create a WorkMail calendar, is there a way for users with iPhones, Andriods, and other calendar software (like Thunderbird) to all work on it - using the same application in which they already manage their calendars?

IOW, what would be the WorkMail endpoint which supports a iCalendar, ICS, CalDav or WCAP protocol?

FYI - We do not use Microsoft's Exchange or client software.

Thanks in advance,

질문됨 5년 전1492회 조회
12개 답변

Hello everyone,

Thank you for your feedback on WorkMail. I'm sorry to hear you're disappointed in the missing caldav functionality in WorkMail. WorkMail offers Exchange ActiveSync, EWS, and Exchange RPC protocols for the synchronization of calendar data to desktop and mobile clients.

We know this doesn’t enable calendar synchronization for all email/calendar clients. We constantly evaluate our customers’ top needs so I will forward your feedback to the team.

Kind regards,

답변함 5년 전

Hi Al,

I'm sorry to inform you that WorkMail does not offer the end-point you're looking for. I will forward this as a feature request to the service team.

Kind regards,

답변함 5년 전

WorkMail does not support any open calendar collaboration protocol. Thank you. Hopefully this post may help future developers learn this point faster.

답변함 5년 전

that is really a big gap.
For that low service level and that high price for a Workmail user (=Email) per month, I cannot recommend WorkMail and I am a AWS consultant. That would be ridiculous.
I am using Workmail only for marketing purposes. But two user are totally enough for that purpose.

답변함 5년 전

I am bit late to this, but also would like to ditto the original poster.

This is a big gap and for the money we pay for workmail, I actually would expect to be able to sync my emails and calendars to any device I want. Supporting open calendar protocols should be top of the list for feature requests.

Rant over, thank you.

Edited by: LiXiaoPai on Jan 31, 2020 9:58 PM

답변함 5년 전

Is there any news about this gap? We are analysing this need at this moment and we may abandon WorkMail because of this limitation.

답변함 4년 전
  • 1 vote for this feature!
답변함 4년 전

+1 for this. We use WorkMail in our organisation and also need calendar synchronisation across devices using native apps.

PLEASE can we get this integrated?

I really don't want to have to uproot ~30 users to a new system for emails/calendars when really for the price we pay, we should have this functionality!

From what I have learnt from WorkMail it is based on Exchange 2013, is this going to be updated? I cannot use services such as Calendly either.


답변함 3년 전


답변함 3년 전

To setup Email/Calendar synchronization in iOS and Android, follow:

profile pictureAWS
답변함 2년 전

Three years and still in the same situation. Is there any possibility to use "webcal" url in WorkMail web interface? It's really a nice feature... I need to import a calendar from an external Exchange Server and keep it constantly aligned.

Another feature is the possibility to massively import contacts from the webmail... At least with CSV... Those two features may really improve the service: we cannot think to let user programming anything with the SDK.

Any solution?

답변함 2년 전

I agree with the above observations. In a modern agile work environment, this lack of functionality is business critical. At this price point, it's baffling... please develop. Unfortunately I'll have to take my business elsewhere if not...and that affects wider solution decisions...

답변함 2년 전

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