Can I use SES and WorkMail on the same domain?


I'd like to receive e-mails on my domain in two ways:

Usually, one cannot run two different email services on the same domain, for obvious reasons, as MX resolves to a single set of servers.

However, WorkMail and SES both being part of AWS, are they based on the same infrastructure / email servers, and as such can they cohabit on the same domain?

Thanks in advance for your reply(ies).

질문됨 4년 전1.8천회 조회
2개 답변
수락된 답변


Thank you for your interest in WorkMail and yes you can combine this with SES. You can set-up WorkMail and use that without any worry of SES. For your custom ticket system you can add a rule in the SES inbound rules section. This for the ticketing system email address to be a different action than WorkMail.

For more information on the SES inbound rules:

Kind regards,

답변함 4년 전

Thank you, Robin.
After some testing I can confirm that I can use both services on the same domain at the same time!

답변함 4년 전

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