JavaScript heap out of memory - Lightsail/Bitnami


I created a fresh Node instance on Lightsail. When I run npm install on Bitnami, I get this error, "FATAL ERROR: Reached heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory". I tried updating the --max-old-space-size but that did not work.

질문됨 2달 전373회 조회
2개 답변


The content of the error is insufficient memory, so why not create a larger plan for the Lightsail instance or create a swap area?
The document below describes the steps for EC2, but I think you can create a swap area using similar steps in Lightsail as well.

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답변함 2달 전
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검토됨 2달 전
  • Swap would be a temporary fix that will not support much growth or load. Recommend a larger Lightsail instance.


It seems odd that a fresh Node instance on Bitnami does not have enough memory to run npm install. Are we sure the answer is to increase swap space?

답변함 2달 전
  • As commented above... Swap would be a temporary fix that will not support much growth or load. Recommend a larger Lightsail instance.

    Just because you can choose to run the Bitnami on a small instance (and things all start) does not mean that is what it is intended to run on. It seems the instance size you have chosen has just enough resources to come up but then when you run other things (npm install) you are running out of memory. This screams for a larger instance and then some performance testing to ensure you can handle expected load at that level.

  • Creating an image with more memory seems to work. Maybe the memory was sufficient for Node 12 and not Node 18, the current version now.

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