certificate renewal


As I've checked ACM, the status of our certificate renewal request is "Pending validation", and no further action is needed from us. But we've received an email containing "AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) was unable to renew the certificate automatically using DNS validation. You must take action to ensure that the renewal can be completed before Feb 12, 2023 at 23:59:59 UTC. If the certificate is not renewed and the current certificate expires, your website or application may become unreachable." two days ago. Should I do any action? If yes, what should I do? AWS Certificate Manager

질문됨 2년 전405회 조회
1개 답변


The reason is that you did not successfully update your DNS configuration with the value that ACM generated. In particular, if you used DNS validation, you simply add a CNAME record provided by ACM to your DNS configuration.

After you ensured that, you must request a new certificate after reviewing the CNAME instructions.


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