Can you use the FreeRTOS OTA Agent without using AWS IoT?


Does FreeRTOS OTA work only with IoT Core via IoT Jobs?

질문됨 4년 전488회 조회
1개 답변
수락된 답변

The FreeRTOS OTA library uses several AWS IoT Core services such as AWS IoT Device Management, AWS IoT Jobs, and a streaming service (apart from non-AWS IoT services like Amazon S3, and optionally AWS Signer). This has been done to give customers a smooth end-end OTA update experience. However, if the customer doesn’t want to be tied to AWS IoT Core, it might take less effort to implement another OTA method (such as polling for new firmware versions in Amazon S3 or any 3P storage using HTTPS) than to modify the open source FreeRTOS OTA library.

답변함 4년 전

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