Setting up Route 53 to point to Lightsail static IP


I have a registered domain on Route 53 and a Lightsail instance with a static IP. I can't seem to get the domain configured to point to the static IP. I can enter the static IP into the browser and get to my website. But when I try to type I get an error. I've tried all the step by step instructions to both set up DNS in Lightsail or (as I'd prefer) set up Hosted Zone in Route 53 to point to the static IP in Lightsail. Is there a good step by step guide that addresses possible failure modes and how to troubleshoot them? Is AWS support intervention required if name server (NS) and start of authority (SOA) changes are made?

질문됨 5년 전576회 조회
2개 답변


The Lightsail doc about configuring DNS is here:

To use Route 53 for DNS, do the following (most of which you've probably already done):

  1. Perform Step 1 in the Lightsail doc, "Complete the prerequisites."

  2. Create a Route 53 hosted zone that has the same name as the domain. See "Creating a Public Hosted Zone" in the Route 53 Developer Guide:

  1. Create an A record in the Route 53 hosted zone that points to the static IP that you created in step 1. See "Creating Records by Using the Amazon Route 53 Console":

  1. Get the names of the name servers that Route 53 assigned to your hosted zone. See "Getting the Name Servers for a Public Hosted Zone":

  1. Perform step 4 in the Lightsail doc, which talks about updating the name servers for your domain registration.

If you used Route 53 to register the domain, see "Adding or Changing Name Servers and Glue Records for a Domain" in the Route 53 Developer Guide:


답변함 5년 전

Thanks. That fixed it. My mistake seems to have been adding a CNAME record in Route 53 as well which is doesn't seem to be necessary. I appreciate the help!

답변함 5년 전

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