Custom font for captions


Is it possible to specify a custom font to use for caption burn-ins?
Are there any plans to add this functionality?

질문됨 4년 전389회 조회
2개 답변

This functionality is not currently supported in MediaConvert. For additional information on burn-in captions, please review the following document:

At the present time there are no plans to add the ability to specify customer fonts for burn-in output captions. If this is a requirement for your workflow, please let me know and we can forward your request as a feature request with our product team for prioritization.


답변함 4년 전

Thanks Karen,

Yes this functionality is a requirement of my workflow as it is a feature many of our clients have requested. I'm not sure how MediaConvert processes video but I know FFMpeg allows for burn-in font selection. Ideally I would like to use MediaConvert rather than setting up a dedicated FFMpeg server.

답변함 4년 전

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