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How to delete ecs?


I am just a beginner trying to learn aws and this was created just as a demo purpose. Also I am on my root account. I am trying from last two weeks to delete my ecs services. When I try to delete that it says task defination is still present. In task defination the status is delete in progress from last two weeks. Without taks defination deletion I cant delete ecs which is curently charging money which I cant afford as a student. Please help me.

질문됨 일 년 전300회 조회
1개 답변


I don't think ECS will charge you just for having a task definition.
Does this mean that the task container is running?

Can you delete it using the steps in the document below?

An ECS service cannot be deleted if a task that it manages is running.
If the task is running, please stop it by following the steps in the document below.

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답변함 일 년 전
  • Currently the issue is the task defination shows delete in progress and by documentation it shows that something is blocking it. So I think some container or fargate is blocking. Ihave checked containers are not present. But I cant find fargate through the search. I just want to know if it could consume charges.

  • There is no cost if the container is not running.

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