AWS re:Post을(를) 사용하면 다음에 동의하게 됩니다. AWS re:Post 이용 약관

Your AWS account has exceeded 85% of the usage limit.


I have been receiving this email, It says I have exceeded 85% of my RDS free tier limit but I don't have any RDS instance running but I do have a few EC2 instances (stopped state), I receive this email around same time every month. My free tier 12 months are going to expire. Any idea why this is happening and how do I stop it? Do I need to delete my EC2 instances and if I dont will it cost me after my 12months free tier expires?

1개 답변
수락된 답변

Based on the message you are receiving, I expect you have RDS running, but are not aware of it. Perhaps it's running in a different region from the one you normally use? Your AWS Bill should indicate if you have RDS running and what region it is running in. Go to the AWS Service "Billing" and select Bills in the left menu panel. In the tab Charges by Service, you should be able to find RDS (Relational Database Service). If you expand (click on the plus) the entry, it should tell you the region that the resources are running in.

If you decide to delete the RDS resources, by default RDS will attempt to make a final snapshot backup. If you do not want the backups, then you should unselect the final snapshot and also verify that any backups/snapshots of the database have been deleted.

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답변함 2년 전
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검토됨 7달 전
  • You are right, there was an instance running in another region. Thanks a lot.

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